Inbound Leads Up Tape

Integrating leads from third-party websites into your dealership’s workflow is made seamless and efficient with the Inbound Up Tape system. With the Inbound UpTape, you can have leads from 3rd party websites take advantage of the round-robin lead distribution of the UpTape. Simply have the lead generating website email the lead to a specified uptape email address that is assigned to your dealership. The email address is created when you setup a new inbound uptape. Check out the Inbound Leads section of the documentation.

While the round-robin lead distribution is a fundamental feature of the UpTape, it’s important to understand that not all leads should be distributed evenly across your sales team. Several factors can influence the routing of leads:

  1. Leads that already have been assigned should go to the same salesperson.
  2. Leads from a specific website (i.e. should go to a specific pool of salespeople with independent round-robin.
  3. Units should go to a pool of salespeople that work at the store the unit is located at.
  4. Units that were posted by specific individuals should go to a specific pool of salespeople.

Leads that already have been assigned should go to the same salesperson.

Repeat leads are directed to the salesperson they’ve previously interacted with. The Inbound Up Tape system can identify and route such leads matching on email address and/or phone number with salespeople that are on the UpTape and in the user pool the lead was intended for.

If the incoming lead has an email address or a phone number that is already associated with an existing salesperson that is in the user pool that the lead is intended to be routed to, that lead will get routed to that salesperson. If the salesperson is not in the matched user pool, the lead will not route to them and will instead be assigned to the next person in line on the UpTape in the intended user pool.

Leads from a specific website should go to a specific pool of salespeople with independent round-robin.

It might be desired to create a specific pool of salespeople with its own round-robin queue management, completely separate from the “main” stream of leads. In this case, UpTape allows you to create multiple Inbound UpTape’s, which provides a new email address that can be used with the specific 3rd party site to completely isolate salespeople with their own round-robin distribution.

Units should go to a pool of salespeople that work at the store the unit is located at.

In the case where you want everyone in the same round-robin, but want to ensure that leads that have specific attributes in them, for example the store the unit is located at, go to a specific group, UpTape provides another level of grouping.

When setting up the Inbound UpTape you can also set up “Groups” of salespeople, or use one of the default location groups provided by the system. Each group can have a set of “Selection Rules” that are defined to search the incoming email for certain attributes such as the store the unit is located at.

If the inbound lead matches the group the lead can only be assigned to a salesperson that belongs to that group. If there aren’t any available salespeople available for that group at the time the inbound lead came in, the lead will be queued in an inbox and will be assigned the moment a salesperson from the group becomes available.

Using this method vs creating a whole new Inbound UpTape as mentioned above differs in that by utilizing groups within the same UpTape you are sharing the round-robin rotation. Once a lead is assigned to salesperson, that salesperson rotates to the end of the line.

Units that were posted by specific individuals should go to a specific pool of salespeople.

Similar to how the location grouping works above, if you want certain units posted on the lead generation website to only go to a specific group of people, you would use the same methodology mentioned in the previous section and instead of using one of the default groups provided by the system you would need to create your own group using group management.


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